Bust of Plato
Bust of Plato
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Bust of Plato

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Handcrafted bust of Plato, the renowned Greek philosopher who established the ideal state (427 - 347 BC). He was the most famous student of Socrates, and Aristotle's teacher.

Within his works, widely known as philosophical dialogues, Plato established important values and described the ideal state. He founded the Platonic Academy, which became the greatest event in the history of philosophy, science and politics. Plato taught there for about 40 years and always in an oral manner. He was a creative and very loyal student of Socrates, and became one of his followers. In all his works, Plato speaks on behalf of Socrates. He considered ethics as the most important subject of all philosophical theories. In general, the Platonic philosophy is ideological. In other words, it introduces the theory of Ideas. Plato's work is sometimes based on assumptions and myths, and its style is often allegoric. Basically, Plato is a rationalist and firmly believes in the proposition that logic must be a prerequisite wherever it may lead. Thus, the basic centre of Platonic philosophy is a rational ethics system. Some of Plato's works are the following: Euthyphro, Apology of Socrates, Crito, Phaedo, Cratylus, Theaetetus, Sophocles, Statesman, Philebus, The Symposium, Phaedrus, Alcibiades, Menexenus, The Republic, Timaeus, Critias, Laws and Epinomis. His works are almost all written in the form of a dialogue.
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Height: 19 cm x Length: 9 cm x Depth: 3 cm, Weight: 1.215 gr

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